How to Cope When You Feel Like Giving Up: 11 Tips

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Life is a complex journey filled with a mix of triumphs and challenges. There are times when the obstacles appear too difficult to overcome, and we may feel overwhelmed and hopeless. During these times it’s crucial to cultivate resilience and find ways to persevere.

If you find yourself feeling like you’re carrying the weight of the world and ready to give up, there are steps you can take to cope.

1. Break Down Your Challenges

Overwhelming feelings often arise when we view a problem as one massive, insurmountable obstacle. Break your challenges down into smaller, manageable parts, and tackle them one at a time. This approach can make a seemingly impossible task more achievable.

2. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of your physical health can have a significant impact on your mental and emotional state. Eat well, exercise and rest.

3. Focus on the Positives

When we’re feeling hopeless, it’s hard to see the good in our lives. Write a list of positives: what you have (vs. what you lack), what’s working out (vs. what isn’t). For example: Do you have shelter? Then you’re not homeless. Do you have food? Then you’re not hungry. Do you have your health? Then you’re not sick. Do you have a job? Did your car start this morning? Is your plumbing working? Consider the millions of people in the world that struggle every day because they don’t have what you have.

4. Reach Out to Others

Contacting trusted friends or relatives can provide comfort and perspective and alleviate feelings of isolation. Seek opportunities to connect with other people, for instance, volunteering or taking a class.

5. Practice Positive Self-Talk

People who regularly use positive affirmations to cope with fear, anxiety, pessimism, grief, etc., find it helps their ability to cope.

6. Engage in Activities You Enjoy

Doing something you like, whether it’s reading, listening to music, drawing, cooking, hiking or watching your favorite movies, can distract you from negative thoughts and lift your spirits.

7. Stick to a Routine

Having a daily routine benefits our mental health. It helps alleviate anxiety and stress, supports healthy habits and gives us the right amount of time and space to handle change.

8. Exercise

You may not feel like exercising during tough times, but that’s exactly what you should do. Studies show that physical activity improves mood, helps cognitive function and promotes overall physical, mental and emotional health.

Consider the following forms of exercise:

  • walking
  • running
  • swimming
  • dancing
  • biking
  • yoga
  • tai chi
  • stretching
  • lifting weights
  • gardening
  • cleaning the house

9. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation can help you stay focused on the present moment instead of worrying about the past or future. Even a few minutes each day can help reduce stress and instill a sense of calm and clarity.

10. Call a Helpline

Search the internet for a local or national hotline (general crisis, suicide prevention, domestic violence, sexual assault, etc.) that you can access via phone or text.

11. Seek Professional Help

If your feelings of despair persist, seek help from a mental health professional. Therapists and counselors can help you understand your feelings and develop effective coping strategies. Psychiatrists assess, diagnose and treat mental, emotional and behavioral disorders.

Life’s journey is punctuated with difficult moments that sometimes make us feel like giving up. However, it’s within these trials where we often discover our greatest strengths and capacities for growth.

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