How to Help Others Without Donating Money or Things

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We typically think that helping others (people who aren’t family or close friends) means donating cash or material things such as food, clothes, furniture and toys. But helping people doesn’t have to involve money.

Sooner or later, we all need help. So it’s important that we help each other. When we help other people, we also help ourselves because as we give to them we gain a sense of meaning, purpose and accomplishment, as well as higher self-esteem and an improved outlook on life.

Following are some things you can do to help other people.

45 Ways You Can Help Others

  1. Ask people how you can help them.
  2. Seek out opportunities to help others.
  3. Smile and spread positivity.
  4. Do chores for needy people.
  5. Volunteer for local organizations.
  6. Comfort those who are upset or grieving.
  7. Listen without judging.
  8. Volunteer to tutor, mentor or coach children or adults.
  9. Praise and encourage others.
  10. Promote worthy causes over social media.
  11. Send thoughtful notes and care packages.
  12. Ask for charity donations instead of birthday gifts.
  13. Help nonprofit organizations raise funds.
  14. Buy a meal for a homeless person.
  15. Practice patience with others.
  16. Offer to pay for someone’s groceries.
  17. Help your elderly or disabled neighbor take out their trash.
  18. Help your elderly or disabled neighbor with their yard work and/or house chores.
  19. Give a ride to someone whose car broke down.
  20. Teach children to be kind.
  21. Help someone apply for jobs online.
  22. Give away extra fruits and vegetables from your garden.
  23. Keep your word.
  24. Buy from local small businesses.
  25. Volunteer at the pound or animal shelter.
  26. Park your car properly.
  27. Respect other people’s beliefs.
  28. Clean up your mess and recycle.
  29. Talk to people that others ignore.
  30. Return the grocery cart to the store.
  31. Share your food with someone who can’t afford a meal.
  32. Visit a nursing home and talk to residents who don’t receive visits.
  33. Offer to run errands for elderly, disabled or sick neighbors.
  34. Donate blood.
  35. Be on time.
  36. Pick up trash even if it’s not yours.
  37. Give up your bus or subway seat to someone who needs it.
  38. Lend a hand to someone using a cane or wheelchair.
  39. Hold the door for the person behind you.
  40. Offer to pick up groceries for someone.
  41. Be friendly with people who are struggling to socialize.
  42. Don’t gossip.
  43. Visit people who may be lonely.
  44. Stay calm when someone is being rude to you.
  45. Live the kind of life that inspires others.

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