How To Make It Big in Life: 10 Best Practices for Success

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Everyone dreams of success, especially when aiming for the stars in highly competitive (dare we say, cutthroat?) industries like Hollywood. But success isn’t just about talent or luck. It’s about the everyday decisions we make, our attitude, the energy we project, and the habits we diligently nurture.

Characteristics of Successful People

Let’s start by dissecting the elite group that has “made it.” Many successful individuals seem to glow with a distinct aura. But it isn’t just magic; they typically share certain traits:

  • Unyielding passion: They have a burning drive that keeps them going even when things get tough.
  • Adaptability: They are able to pivot when needed, learning from failures instead of getting bogged down.
  • Unwavering belief: They believe in themselves and their vision, even when others doubt.

10 Best Practices for "Making It" Big

While everyone’s journey is unique, there are some golden rules that remain consistent across the board:

1. Go for What You Want
Dreams remain dreams without action. Take that leap, audition for that role, or start that business. The first step is often the hardest, but also the most crucial.

2. Handle Rejection Gracefully
Not everyone will see your vision or recognize your talent. Rejection is a part of growth. Use it as a stepping stone, not a stumbling block.

3. Have a Strong Work Ethic
Success is not handed out; it’s earned. Dedication, long hours and commitment are non-negotiable.

4. Stay Organized
Keeping your tasks, goals and schedules clear helps in maintaining focus on what’s essential.

5. Always Be Professional
Whether it’s in an email, a meeting or a performance, always be the best, most professional version of yourself.

6. Master the Art of Reading a Room
Pay close attention to those around you. Observe their body language, catch the unsaid words, understand the atmosphere, and adapt your approach accordingly.

7. Listen More, Speak Less
Listening intently can provide insights, knowledge and perspectives that you might miss if you spend more time talking.

8. Project Positive Energy
Your attitude can shape your reality. A positive, can-do spirit not only uplifts you but also those around you, opening doors and creating opportunities.

9. Forge Genuine Connections
It’s not just about networking; it’s about forming and nurturing lasting bonds. Today’s acquaintance could be tomorrow’s advocate.

10. Embrace Challenges and Keep Going
Every hurdle is a lesson in disguise. Resilience and tenacity can often differentiate those who make it from those who don’t.

Success is not a destination but a journey, punctuated by failures, learnings and growth. While there’s no one-size-fits-all formula, applying these guidelines can give you a fighting chance in the demanding world of showbiz or any other challenging field.

So gear up, and give life your best shot. After all, as the saying goes, “Fortune favors the bold.” And you could be that bold person.

For more information, watch PowerUp Talk #38 with Carola Gonzalez: “What Do You Need To Make It? Lessons from Hollywood Boulevard.”

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